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Your Financial Independence Number (FIN) is the amount of money you need to achieve financial independence, which means having enough income to support your lifestyle without relying on a job or other income source. Knowing your FIN is important because it helps you set achievable financial goals and plan for your future.

Why is Your FIN Important?

Your FIN is the key to your financial freedom. Without it, you may not have a clear understanding of how much money you need to retire comfortably, take care of your family, or pursue your dreams. Knowing your FIN can help you make better financial decisions and ensure that you have enough money to meet your needs and goals.

How to Calculate Your FIN?

Calculating your FIN can seem intimidating, but it's actually a straightforward process. Our Financial Needs Analysis (FNA) tool takes into account your current income, expenses, and financial goals to help you determine your FIN. Contact us and We can help you complete the FNA and provide you with free personalized recommendations based on your results.

Unlock Your Financial Potential for Free
At FLC, we're dedicated to helping you reach your financial goals without breaking the bank. That's why we offer our Financial Needs Analysis tool and personalized recommendations completely free of charge. With our help, you can take control of your finances and achieve the financial independence you've been dreaming of. Don't let financial constraints hold you back any longer – get started with us today.

Case Studies

We believe that everyone can benefit from knowing their FIN. Here are some examples of how understanding your FIN can help you achieve your financial goals:



Sarah, a 35-year-old mother of two, wants to retire at age 60. By calculating her FIN, she learns that she needs to save an additional $500 per month to achieve her goal.


John and Lisa

John and Lisa, a couple in their 40s, want to pay for their children's college education. By knowing their FIN, they can make informed decisions about how much to save and invest to reach their goal.



Available to Anyone

opens the door to success for anyone who has the spirit and desire to make a better life as a financial professional.

Builder's repayment Plan

Associates are rewarded with one of the industry’s most robust compensation plans on a diversified product portfolio.

World-Class Business Platform

You have access to the industry’s most powerful business platform where, from day one, you receive the support and systems needed to get started and grow at every level.

Success that Scale

As you advance through our ranks and build your business, you can earn more money while helping more people.

Our Commitment

As licensed financial professional, We focus on you and your needs, goals, and objectives. We strive to help individuals, families, and businesses create a sound strategy for the future focused on reducing debt, saving money, protecting those things that are most valuable to you, and helping entrepreneurs reach their dreams.

Financial Literacy Crusade

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  • Do you know how much money to save per year to reach your retirement goal?

  • Do you know how much money you need saved to retire and stay retired?



  • If you got sick and could no longer work, do you have something to replace your income?

  • If you passed away prematurely, would you leave your family in debt?


  • Educate you on how money works Show you your financial options

  • Complimentary Financial Needs Analysis